Thursday, August 5, 2010

Getting Started

So this whole blog is purely for the use of sending my unspoken thought out into the world for others to read.... or not. It really doesn't matter that much. I have a theory that people hold in too much than is good... and then the people who should hold things in usually choose not to ( or they are unaware that they have a choice in the matter, it is a compulsion).

So today it rained. Not usually a good sign for the start of the day, but progression of time is sometimes helpful... only sometimes. I went to my only class of the day, weight training. Since I am participating in a research study (which is being conducted by my coach) I am not allowed to work out. This is ever so slightly annoying, but I just get so much enjoyment from being stuck 6 times in both my thigh and my calf and spending 15 minutes standing on a machine that vibrates me hard enough that my teeth feel like cracking and I can't see straight. RIGHT!  So I walked all the way to campus, into the weight training room, said "I'm here!" and then walked out. I hiked the stars of death to upper campus to go to the testing center. I attempted to take a test, guess what? The  testing center was closed. So I walked home, considering whether owning a giraffe as a pet was ethical, I still don't know my opinion on that one.
I can't complain about everything. When I did get the opportunity to take my test I earned a 100% (yay me!). Upon arriving at my apartment, I found that my wonderful roommate made wheat cinnamon rolls (yumm!). And I walked in on an in depth conversation about the next moves of the Nefarious Lady Deathmoon (villian), the Ubiquitious Pink Ninja (hero), and the duplicitious character of the Doppleganger. All of these characters are created to represent each person in my apartment. I am still trying to decide on a character and name. If you have any ideas please let me know. My creative juices are lacking considerably at the present moment.

The comment of the day: This section is dedicated to the comment that made me smile the most during the day.

*Upon hearing that Prop 8 had been overturned, my usually quiet and meek roommate replied "Is it wrong that assassination came to mind?"
The answer to that is "Yes, oddly quiet roommate, assassination is wrong. But kudos for the cynical remark used to vent your frustration."

*I mean no animosity to the gay community by posting this, it was just an oddly entertaining situation to observe. To quote Myq Kaplan "I am gay friendly, which in high school meant I was gay. I hate the term 'gay friendly' it makes me Straight angry." "American prejudice has reached new levels. They used to outlaw interracial marriage. Black people should not marry whites, they should marry blacks. Now they are saying Gay people shouldn't marry gays, they should marry....... us?"

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You are welcome to share your opinion... however I can't promise that I will actually care about it. Everyone is entitled to an opinion, Some people just shouldn't share theirs.