I realized last week that it had been over a year since I last posted in my blog. I thought to myself, I really suck at this. That's okay though, because I made a list of 50 things in life that suck. Enjoy!
1 Black holes
2 headaches
3 research projects
4 Having to hold your tongue when you have a beautifully witty response just dying to be said
5 Socks with holes in them
6 Saddles that are harnessed wrong
7 Dental appointments
8 Post Its that don't stick
9 Vacuums
10 Psychotic relatives
11 Tiny papercuts that you can't see
12 School
13 Brittany Spears Music
14 Boys, not all of them, but I am frustrated with the vast majority
15 The result of Stephanie trying to cook boxed food
16 Stupid people
17 When someone makes a movie out of your favorite book/musical/play and they totally ruin it
18 Trampoline jumpers with motion sickness
19 Being forced to watch a movie that sucks
20 Puzzle books with the answers ripped out
21 Waking up to every muscle in your body being sore
22 Dropping a table on your foot and having to continue to work
23 Babies- they suck for survival
24 Getting a tattoo and discovering the the words are spelled wrong
25 Brussel Sprouts
26 Exploding pop cans
27 PMS
28 Suckers
29 Forgetting to tun off the alarm clock Friday night, and then being needlessly woken up at 6am on a Saturday
30 Zombies- they suck your brains
31 New England Patriots
32 Being forced to wear an obnoxious orange jumpsuit for protection, and then it doesn't work and you end up dying in an obnoxious orange jumpsuit
33 Astro turf
34 Walking around in public after using the restroom and being told you have toilet paper hanging out of your pants
35 The laundry gnome
36 Scratching your sunburn
37 Stepping on something wet with bare feet, or just after putting fresh socks on
38 Smoke alarms that go off while you are in the shower, so you streak to go press the button to get it to stop, only to find out that it doesn't have a button so you have to rush to find a towel so your roommate doesn't walk in on you nakedly fighting with a piece of flawed technology
39 Homework that you stay up really late doing and then you find out that it is not due
40 Hummingbirds- they are very talented suckers
41 Octopi
42 Sporks- unless they are titanium, cause then they are awesome
43 having an episode of you favorite show end with "to be continued..."
44 Pop- cause it is so delicious but you can't drink it without feeling guilty
45 Sneezing when your mouth is full of Jello
46 The river Suck in Ireland
47 Finals week
48 climbing up a street lamp, discovering you are stuck and can't get down, and then having to call the university police to get you down
49 Having to hike in soggy tennis shoes
50. Vampires- they suck you blood, except for the Cullens, but they just suck in general
Yay! That is all.