So today's theme was updating pictures that have been locked on my camera for a while now. In between reading a massive amount for my religion class, photo editing was what I did for fun today!
Meet Herman and Melvin!They are cousins.... can you see the family resemblance?
Yep... This is how my family spends time... We teach the younger members how to rope... This is Mikayla's first session, and we are so proud. Isn't she a natural?
And this is the grand finale!!!! This wonderfully intelligent entity spent at least forty-five minutes licking the door frame.... I know this because that is at least how long I spent at the Giraffe exhibit..... and twenty of those forty-five minutes were spent intently observing this ritual. Whilst I was unfailingly enthralled, Brenton was most likely bored, annoyed, and befuddled as to why such action was captivating to an educated individual.... It is no wonder why that relationship did not last. Seriously? Just Look at this beautiful creature and tell me that this is not the most amusing thing you have seen.
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